Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good Morning!

Kitties have had their breakfast and I am sipping on a cup of pumpkin spice coffee, sitting at table in my PJ's.  Rather a typical morning!  I was thinking how much fun it is to have you all along for the ride!  And hoping I am not boring you!  I guess you can always get out! haha!

Clem and I went for a stroll last night, and met one of our "neighbors,"walking his little Yorkie.  Of course, I had to say the yorkie!  (Always a good ice breaker, however.)  The man is from Texas, where he owns a home and business in Corpus Cristi, and a second home in northern Texas.  They are in a new RV, their second,  and spending a week here, as they do every year.  He was giving us some pointers about Santa Fe, and chatting about RV life, and he said, buy in sales tax.   He spent $200,000 on his latest, and "could have saved a chunk of change, " had he bought in Oregon.  They drive a 37 foot "pusher"....see I am getting the lingo down!  That means, it is diesel powered, and the engine is in the rear.  More power, less noise.   More expensive by about $50,000.  So, he STILL owns a VERY nice "coach."  (No longer called a rig.)  They love the life.  He said he loves having their own stuff along with them.  And friend Linda , proud owner of her own RV, has told me she enjoys always having her own bed along!

Well, hope everyone has a lovely day.....and remembered to change their clocks!
Another interesting thing:  We crossed a time zone, which should have been in Arizona, except they don't practice day light savings (very smart people!  How do I get that passed in MY state?)  So, our watches were off by an hour.  But the time changed!  So I didn't have to change my watch!  Simple people are easily amused they say!  Have a good one!  

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