Saturday, November 6, 2010

Time Change

Ok, this is funny.  We drove across a time line today when we crossed into New Mexico. (Arizona does not have  daylight savings, so it was same time zone as Pacific)  But tonight the time changes.  So I don't have to change my watch!

Petrified Forest and Painted Desert

Wow....what a day!  I hardly know where to begin.  We stayed overnight in the town of Holbrook, another Rt 66 town, just off the interstate, which now replaces much of the old road.  There are rock shops and trading post tourist traps along the road,  here  named Navajo Boulevard. And Wigwam Village, where you can rent a tepee to stay overnight!   But the sight that amazed us was a huge collection of dinosaurs in front of one of the shops!  It was closed, (Clem rousted me out early again....I think there is a method to his madness!) so I could not check it out.  But a stop at the Petrified Wood Store cum museum, satisfied my curiosity.  Not only is this a land of amazing quantities of petrified wood, it is a land of fossils and dinosaur remains.  I was overwhelmed with the array of wood in the shop, and we had not yet seen the forest!  Cut and polished, it is a thing of beauty.  Turns out, it is not really rare, and it is found in many states in different forms, but here there is an entire forest of it.    I was astounded as a very young girl, when a friend brought me piece of what I could not believe was wood. And now I have seen it for myself, and it was amazing.  Millions of years in its formation, it lays there in its crystalized splendor.  Some of the logs were huge!   We walked  one trail, but  I would have loved to have had the time to walk some of the others.

In the background of the forest you can see the painted desert.  We thought it was pretty neat, but it got more beautiful as we drove along and the gray streaks gave way to red.   In some areas the hills came very close to the road, which was amazing.   We stopped at  several view points, including one which is on the National Register, where there are quantities of amazingly well preserved petroglyphs.

Rejoining Rt 40 after our drive thorough the forest, we decided to try to make it to Santa Fe to stay the night, so we can spend the entire day in the city tomorrow.  The drive was amazing as we crossed over into New Mexico, passing from the painted desert into the red sandstone mesas.  The terrain changed  again to black rock, with gorgeous golden rod colored trees standing out against the hillsides.  Clem thinks they are cotton trees, so we will have to see if we can verify that.  All in their fall glory, what ever they are!

It took us to past sunset, but we made it.  A bit more of a challenge to get into your site and hook up when light is limited!  But we are learning the ropes and getting better at it.  And once again, tired after a full day, nice to pull in and just have dinner "at home."

A fun aside about the kitties.  They are more and more comfortable, but still not fond of the drive.  Sas makes a bee line under the driver seat, where he spends the day, and Loki crawls under the covers on the bed for the day!  We park, and Sas makes another bee line for his food dish!  Then takes a nap!!  Tired from all that sleeping under the chair I guess!

I will post photos of the day...stay tuned!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A rig for us to buy?

Oak Creek Canyon

Red Rock Country

Our guide book convinced us that Oak Creek Canyon, south of Flagstaff, was the smaller cousin to the Grand Canyon, and well worth a visit.  Since we decided that the Grand Canyon was a trip in itself, and we were not going to do it this trip, we would make this stop.  Following directions to what was to be the best viewing point for the Canyon, we headed out on Rt 89 A toward Sedona.  Well, the book did not mention the hairpin turns, and 7% downward grade for miles on end!  NOT a nice drive in a 30 foot RV!  My heart was in my throat the entire descent!    And there was no turning back!  Fortunately, we stopped at what we thought was the park we were looking for, and a very nice couple informed us that this was a great ride for a motorcycle or small car, but probably not an RV!  Didn't we know?? While we chatted with them, they said they had just retired, and were touring.  Clem said he had retired seven weeks ago, and had hoped to make it to eight weeks!! They informed us we could continue in the same direction,visit Sedona, and then take an alternate route back up to Rt 40, and find the roads very friendly.    Whew!!!  Can't imagine what the return trip would have been like!!  They also informed us that the route we were on used to be the only way to get to Sedona.

We collected our composure, and had lunch at the bottom, before heading out for Sedona.  The red rocks were beautiful, but actually even more spectacular from Sedona!  We could have saved ourselves the trip and anguish!  Sedona is a really neat  town, and the views in all directions are gorgeous.  And driving out along the alternate route, it was really breathtaking.  Red rocks and cliffs all around.  Then into a forest of junipers and pines, then barren, flat dry land, then back to red rock.  Very interesting.  We did not stop at a meteor crater.  My engineer is trying to keep us on pace, even though we are behind already.  I really wish we had rented it for a longer time, but we need to get it back on time, or pay a very stiff penalty.  Tried to extend it, but they are booked!  Got two more days at least.

Tomorrow the Petrified Forest, then on to New Mexico.


Population 510, and serves up a healthy dose of kitch!  Unfortunately, we hit it early, and the Snow Cap Drive In was not yet open.  The sign reads, "sorry, we're open", and the menu advertises Hamburgers without Ham!  I was really looking forward to a milkshake!  We visited a couple of souvenir shops, then set out for Flagstaff.
Unplugging and getting ready to hit the road Friday morning.

Rte 66

This was taken where the gentleman has 40 years of collectibles from the old road.  I am sure we will see much more today in Seligman.  (pronounced SLIGMAN, by the way!)

The Mojave Desert

This was taken from moving RV, but it gives you an idea.  Tried to load several, which I normally am able to do, but working off park's wifi, and maybe that is a problem.  Will have more to share later.

OH, I am SO glad you finally stopped DRIVING!!!!