Monday, November 15, 2010

St. Augustine, Florida. The oldest city in the US.

Oldest school house.

Flagler Colleg

And of course......

Ponce De Leon, you all know.  However, did you know he was only 4 ft 11?
Flagler brought the railroads into Florida, and started the rush to the area.  Tourism began with "tin can tourists", who came with tin cans full of fuel and food, and "cracker Settlers" came in covered wagons.  Our trolley tour gave us an overview, but I would enjoy coming back and doing a walking tour.  And driving down the beach road, there were some state parks and nature areas to investigate.  And this spot on the ocean would be a great place to camp out for a couple of days in order to explore by day!

We are only 3 1/2 hours from our little house in Palm Beach Gardens, and it is sinking in that we will be spending the entire winter there!  Can't believe it!

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